Paid Services That Can’t be Advertised. (for serious people with funds and arranged face-to-face) All services are expensive, legal, and ethical. Contact me if you want one of these services. These services are to get fast-tracked and save you a lot of time and money.
Bespoke Marketing Packages with consultation – For individuals/businesses/causes/charities/organisations
Introductions – Meals or meetings with influencers/YouTubers/business people/experts?celebrities. (Bangkok and Pattaya)
Private Networking – Meals/meetings with people that are hard to meet. (Bangkok and Pattaya)
VIP Tour – A VIP tour of Pattaya only available for 1 person at a time. This will give you a good grasp of where to stay or start a business.
Business Advisors – Matching you with the right advisor in your business/area. You need to start this before you start the business if possible.
Security and sharing a personal assistant – We are offering security around Pattaya on call and a shared personal assistant to help people out. With our team on board, we can save people a lot of time and money. This is a new idea, which will get cheaper if more people do it.