Bryan Flowers, is from Coventry, United Kingdom and he has been living in Pattaya, Thailand for over 18 years. (since 2006 to present) He arrived in Thailand with a dream, a forum, a one-way ticket and 600 GBP.
Bryan has been learning about productivity, motivation, SEO, mindset, psychology, branding, marketing, self-discipline, success habits, financial freedom and more peak performance hacks.
Bryan is currently writing a book about mindset and entrepreneurship, so he is no longer writing any blogs.
In 2025, Bryan Flowers is starting a venture capitalist firm because he has been making global investments into startups, namely UK, USA and global websites.
Bryan Flowers is a married father of two children and spends most of his time with his children, but he is looking to invest or start more companies to challenge himself and his team. Bryan has connections in the Polo world as well as worldwide connections with his Entrepreneur meetup.
Bryans core values
Have a Growth Mindset
Don’t outsource your children
Be authentic and honest with those around us so they can help us improve
Help everyone around us rise
Stick to our values
Keep learning throughout your entrepreneurship journey
Be positive with those around us, encourage people, give them some hope
Be goal-driven, have dreams, push our boundaries, drag our friends and family across the finish line
Keep learning
Think Bigger
Bryan Flowers & Mike Tyson
Bryan Flowers
What are Bryans interests/skills?
Psychology – Learning how to understand people and helps with goals and business. Investing – This skill helps to become financially free with abundance faster by leveraging income. Writing – This is what makes him happy, trying to inspire, learn and to help people. Websites and Marketing – Bryan made a living from SEO, making websites and internet marketing, and now he wants to invest in businesses that target a global audience. Business/Entrepreneurship – He loves business and loves the challenges, the processes, the psychology, and fixing problems.
Bryan is 100% confident he can teach people to improve their lives, improve their mindset, and create high-performance habits to become financially independent within 3-6 years. It takes a lot of work to get it done that fast, but he has all the knowledge. he wants to teach people to become high-net-worth individuals.
Bryan Flowers and Jack Canfield the author of “The Success Principles”
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