Who is Bryan Flowers?
I am Bryan Flowers, I’m from Coventry, United Kingdom and I have been living in Pattaya, Thailand for over 18 years. (since 2006 to present) I arrived here with a dream, a forum, a one-way ticket and 600 GBP.
Why am I creating content?
Because it’s the best way to learn and practise is to teach the subject you are most interested in mastering, it’s also a great way to show what you know , your skills and what you are interested in. I have been learning about productivity, motivation, mindset, psychology, focus, self-discipline, success habits, financial freedom and more peak performance hacks.
All the content I write is directly helping me, and according to the feedback I get, I am changing lives for the better by inspiring people, so I am adding value, leaving a mark and expressing myself, which is something you can afford to do when you are in the same position as me. I love inspiring people and helping people around me become better versions of themselves.
What are my goals?
I have over 600+ books I am going through. They are all related to business, self-development, psychology, branding, productivity, habits, self-discipline, peak performance, marketing, investing, and mostly successful mindset books. I have found many of them cover the same stuff with different stories. I mostly use YouTube to learn daily, I have no hobbies but business, learning, and investing. My goal is always to improve myself and help others change by writing a book and various articles on mindset. Ultimately, I would like to create a course after the book and offer real mentorship.
My goal is to become financially free with abundance so I can travel the world, add value, help people, do charity work, influence many people to be better versions of themselves and make a difference. I have a vision to help society, not just those around me.
I want to keep writing on my blog, write books, create a course and mentor/coach people to success. I want to change people’s lives, preferably by doing getaway intensive courses in Thailand.
I believe we should do our best to
- Have a Growth Mindset
- Be authentic and honest with those around us so they can help us improve
- Help everyone around us rise, help charities
- Stick to our values
- Keep learning throughout your entrepreneurship journey
- Be positive with those around us, encourage people, give them some hope
- Be goal-driven, have dreams, push our boundaries, drag our friends and family across the finish line
What are my interests/skills?
Psychology – Learning how to understand people and myself helps with my own goals and business.
Investing – This skill helps me to become financially free faster by leveraging my income.
Trading – This should leverage and accelerate wealth.
Writing – This is what makes me happy, trying to inspire, learn and help people.
Websites and Marketing – I have made a living from SEO, making websites and internet marketing, and now I can use it to help promote my blog and other sites that I have.
Business/Entrepreneurship – I love business, I love the challenges, the processes, the psychology, and fixing problems.
People tell me I should focus on one skill and master it, but it doesn’t work like that; they all complement each other. I have given up chasing just one area now; they can all easily be mixed. I have tried to focus on trading for so long, but in reality, I only need to do a few setups a week instead of following the markets all day.
I am 100% confident I can teach people to improve their lives, improve their mindset, and create high-performance habits to become financially independent within 3-6 years. But it takes a lot of work to get it done that fast, but I have all the knowledge. I want to teach people to become high-net-worth individuals. See here for more information. Later, I will create some sort of video course to help people achieve lofty goals and maybe one day offer some one-on-one coaching.
I have been writing on medium.com and this site to help people get started on getting the right mindset. My mindset book is being written slowly in private.
I appreciate messages if I have positively impacted your life or you want me to answer something particular, I am more than happy to write a post if the subject is what I am interested in. Contact Me
I have been making some YouTube videos to try to help people do better in life. https://www.youtube.com/user/BryanPattaya