Home Business


My hobby is business and it seems to pay for a good life as a bonus.  I want to share business resources and some experiences from time to time.

How to cope with multiple businesses


10 Reasons Why Introverts Make The Best Entrepreneurs

They are comfortable being alone, they have more time to learn and study. They are patient and calm 2. They lead from the back,...

9 Ways To Make Your Business More Profitable

1. Try to get sales before you make big investments, Elon Musk does this very well with tesla.  He takes orders before production starts. ...

10 Traits of Successful Business Owners

What traits have I noticed in "good" business owners, I don't mean guys that have inherited their businesses or are just one-trick ponies.  There...

How to do a storybrand one liner..

We need to write something that attracts people right away. That makes them interested in what we are doing.When somebody asks "What do you do?"...

5 Things we need to be aware of when making our first millions

Fast growth in business can be dangerous, most entrepreneurs get excited and try to scale up too quickly.  You must pause and look back, ...

16 Reasons You Should Think Twice about Attacking Wealthy Business Types

Wealthy business people are often competitive, after gaining a lot of wealth it becomes about protecting wealth more than creating more wealth.  This is...
take ownership and be accountable

How to filter job applicants quickly – weeding out the wrong type of people...

Our company has over 500 employees,  I haven't put a professional system in place to interview people, check CV's or do personality tests due...
dan pena just do it

Dan Pena-isms — Words to help you make your millions

Pena-isms Dan Pena's quotes of others and a few nuggets of his own wisdom to better clarify his Quantum Leap concepts. His proteges have come to...
dan pena love doesnt get the job done

Who is Dan Pena? Whats he all about?

Dan Pena is the best motivational speakers that I have come across, some of the things he says can be a bit much for...

Latest Articles

Writing my first book

In June/July this year 2023 I took my family on holiday in the UK and as I travelled, I decided to make notes for...

My Longevity Advice – 13 tips/rules I have learned

I quit drinking at the age of 33 when I had heart issues, I was a binge drinker around 2-3 times a week, the...

Some people ask me: How to become famous

  There is no surefire way to become famous, as fame is often the result of a combination of talent, hard work, and luck. However,...

How to Sell Anything

Put the focus on the buyer. Do you have a friend or family member who dominates every conversation by talking about themselves? They...

Selling In The Modern Age? 16 Tips For Success

Selling in the modern age requires a different approach than in the past. As times change, so do customers and their buying habits. To...
grow your traffic with seo

How To Grow Your Organic Traffic

To Grow Your Organic Traffic  You need to develop an SEO strategy,  Use a keyword tool to identify your keywords that you want to...