Writing my first book


In June/July this year 2023 I took my family on holiday in the UK and as I travelled, I decided to make notes for my first book, with a hectic lifestyle I have never been able to find the time and concentrate, and quite frankly it’s a huge mountain to climb.

I had my youngest son alone (4 years old) at the end of the holiday, and because I was making so many notes while travelling, I decided to travel around the UK more, then Turkey, then Dubai and then back to Thailand.

I sent myself voice notes as my thoughts came up, then every 3-7 days I would listen to the voice notes and put the notes into a google document.  by the time I finished my holiday I had around 21000 words of notes.

Writing a book is a huge task that can be very off putting, so I didn’t commit to anything, I just made notes sometimes when I felt like it.  Then after a few months with around 40,000 words of notes. I made sections for the notes and grouped them all together, this took days,  then I went to the sections and reordered the notes within them.

October/November – I have been combing the notes for duplicates, lots of crossover info and what I do is I mark some notes, so I can come back to them later.

Moving forward to this week, I have 55,000 words and I have been printing 20-40 pages per time (from 151 pages)  going over it with a pen, looking for more duplicate stuff, reordering and moving more notes into better sections.  First I write over it, then I go back to computer and make the changes. I find priniting it out gives more clarity. I am still feeding voicenotes into messages to myself, then transfering them to a seperate document once a week, then I have to merge all those notes into all the existing ones.

That is my book writing method, some days I truly think my book is going to be lifechanging for those that read it, other days I feel like I have too far to go. It’s a big mountain to climb,  I have found a good editor that will help me later,  but right now I am making a bigger mess and adding to the notes. If you are thinking of doing a book you can start with small jobs like me. Sometimes I highlight bits red that need improving, sometimes I do very little, sometimes I write a lot.  But I am a strong believer of just doing something most days and it will get there.

This book is my legacy, its for my children or anyone else that wants more from life, it’s for people to buy their children or guys that want to get out of a hole. I have included most of the stuff I have learnt. I dont watch news, sports, TV or moves, I am a learning machine and a person that has led many lifes.

The book will be anonymously made with a pen name and for that reason I can’t promote it properly or use my following, but I don’t care. I want to be as honest as I can to help people, at the cost of not having my name attached to it. Just having a book that I can give to loved ones to change some lives with is enough for me.  This is one of the most comprehensive self development books out there, self learnt and learnt over the years from other people.

This is a truly lifesaving, life-changing book that will help everyone who reads it in some way, I am just trying to help people, raise awareness of what is available, the pitfalls and things I have learnt. The book is designed for a few, not for the masses.

This is not an autobiography, it’s not about how to run bars or Pattaya.

I have been speaking to other authors, if anyone wants any information on how to write, publish their own books, I can send you in the right direction.

I am spending around 10-20 hours per week on this book, sometimes more. I hope to be done within the next 6 months maximum.  I have a very good editor that will help me in December.   

Every section has something that will be life changing or life saving for someone. 

  1. Mindset  
  2. Addictions, identities, and limited belief.  –
  3. Low achiever Mindset 
  4. High Achiever Mindset 
  5. Self-development and awareness
  6. Motivation, procrastination and Discipline 
  7. Enemies, detractors and haters 
  8. Scams, warnings, safety, misleading and avoiding fraudsters 
  9. The Truth About Charities
  10. Relationships and communities  
  11. Life Lessons I’ve Already Paid For 
  12. Opinion  
  13. Family (children, spouse, extended family) 
  14. Health and longevity 
  15. Education 
  16. What You Don’t Know 
  17. Critical Thinking 
  18. Time Awareness and Management 
  19. Profit From My Business Mistakes and What I Learnt   
  20. Branding, Personal Branding, And Marketing
  21. Finance, Investing and Wealth 
  22. Ego Self Awareness 
  23. Happiness Maintenance 
  24. Holding Your Position 
  25. Questions to ask yourself 
  26. The END – legacy, death