Why Does Dan Pena’s Mentorship Work So Well?

Dan Pena is one of my favorite high performance coaches, I have watched a lot of his stuff for years and I watch his...
dan pena love doesnt get the job done

Who is Dan Pena? Whats he all about?

Dan Pena is the best motivational speakers that I have come across, some of the things he says can be a bit much for...

Choosing The Right Boss To Work For You

I went from being an "unskilled" employee at a few companies onto having my own companies with over 500 employees working for our companies.Many...
dan pena just do it

Dan Pena-isms — Words to help you make your millions

Pena-isms Dan Pena's quotes of others and a few nuggets of his own wisdom to better clarify his Quantum Leap concepts. His proteges have come to...

Top Ten Takeaways from “Extreme Ownership”

I am always recommending "Extreme Ownership"  to those around me that want to rise, be better leaders, be better versions of themselves.  There are...

How to Deal with Haters? Please share this with haters to help fix them

Hater Definition - someone that attacks, abuses you or your business unconstructively, irrationally, persistently, doesn't add any balance, has a vendetta, often posts lies....
growth mindset

25 Growth Mindset Tips

Measure, reward and celebrate achievements 2. Reward actions, not traits 3. Geniuses aren’t born (they aren't special, we can all achieve that level with the...

26 Habits For Optimum Happiness

Take ownership of things,  no excuses Speak highly of others Listen to people and understand those around you Make the most of things...

Getting 1% Better Per Day Is A Task That Anyone Can Do

By comparing yourself to who you were yesterday, you can be better than you were yesterday, you can improve, meditate and think about what...

My biggest challenge – you don’t know what you don’t know

The more I learn, the more frustration I feel talking to people around me about their problems, education really isolates people because there are...

Why are highly intelligent people disadvantaged in life

I have always told people that anything in excess is always a bad thing, although many of us are seeking excesses, which isn't a...

The 5 Fears Holding You Back

Facing your fears and living more confidently means stepping out of your comfort zone and changing your long term mindset. 1.  The Fear of Uncertainty Fear...

Did everyone say you are different? Did they say there is something wrong...

From a young age, I was told that I was different, in fact, many of my "bad points" were actually good points for business...

10 Habits To Work Towards Success

Habits that many successful people have  Speak out loud affirmations daily, preferably twice a day,  many athletes do this and I have seen successful...

What every parent should do to accelerate their children’s success…

After reading over 200+ books on personal development, psychology, business and hours daily of youtube videos. Listening to Robert Greene’s audiobooks about laws of...

Education and Wealth Isolates You

I would like to start off by saying I'm not the most intelligent around, I am not immune from creating my own problems, in...
millionaire mindset

11 Skills That Millionaires Have In Common

Becoming wealthy or successful is from a shift in mindset, then either have a certain set of skills or learning them.  I am going...
high performance journal

Reasons To Have a Journal/checklist

I could write about this subject extensively as my journal and checklist gets improved weekly and evolves continuously. I am writing this for high-performance...

10 Ideas To Change Your Life in 7 minutes

Create something - I see so many people that aren't building something long term or short term, I think its important to create...
take ownership and be accountable

How to filter job applicants quickly – weeding out the wrong type of people...

Our company has over 500 employees,  I haven't put a professional system in place to interview people, check CV's or do personality tests due...

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